(718) 784-7138


Fresh Mothers Day Basket

Fresh Mothers Day Basket

from $95.10
  • The Mother's Day Basket is a mix of fresh Lilies, Roses, Daisies, Mums, Cushion Mums, Carnations, Miniature Carnations, Baby breaths, and Green Leaves. More of the Pink/Purple colors.

  • Fresh Baskets are placed at the grave on the Friday before Mother’s Day weekend. Please understand that fresh flowers (depending on the type) last about 5 days outside in the weather.

  • This price includes an $8 delivery fee and NYS Sales Tax.

Emailed Photo - $6:
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Large Artificial Pink Heart

Large Artificial Pink Heart

from $62.44
Small Artificial Pink Heart

Small Artificial Pink Heart

from $32.66
FD Fresh BQT.jpg

Father's Day Fresh Bouquet

from $46.11
Fresh Father's Day Basket

Fresh Father's Day Basket

from $95.10
Small Artificial Blue Heart

Small Artificial Blue Heart

from $32.66